Have you ever wondered if all the amazing things you have learned about the “Chakras” and practice can be taught and used by your children?

The benefits of how the chakras work, how they are connected to our emotions, feelings, and actions can be introduced to our children at a very early age. They are easily introduced and fun to learn!!!

Giving kids the tools they need to better understand their feelings and emotions and how to practice using them is essential.  This will help them to be stronger, enable self- care and independent, sure of themselves, emotionally well rounded, connect deeper with their authentic inner selves, and trust their intuition.


  • Understanding the chakras can give your child a way to be more aware of the energy in their body. It gives them the language to communicate this to you and to then find ways to balance their own chakras.
  • From a deeper level of understanding and awareness of the energy in their body and how it impacts on the health of their mind, body and spirit, your child is better equipped to care for themselves and make wise, independent choices.
  • Children have an incredible ability to experience life on an energetic level. They are very aware of how people, places, colors, food and sounds can have a shrinking or expanding effect on the energy in their bodies. This ability is advanced well before they are capable of communicating effectively.
  • By teaching your kids about chakras, you are helping them to understand the changes they experience to their energetic bodies and to trust their intuition on how to bring about balance.

Learning about chakras will introduce kids to the benefits of promoting stillness and quieting their minds, which can really help them deal with the stress of living in a world where constant stimulation is a regular part of life. It’s in these moments of stillness that they will give their intuition a chance to step up and guide them in finding ways to bring more balance into their lives.

Our kids pick up on things and catch on quick and easily because they are still open to new things and basic understanding before their minds have learned the “what you see is what you get” concept.

Kids develop chakras at different stages of life. Not all of these will be intact until later, but it is good to get the conversation going. It is also a good thing for you to notice in your child where they are at and how you can help them refine their sense of self.  

Barbara Brennan’s new book, Core Light Healing. Describes how children”s aura and Chakras develop from early infanthood, through early childhood and on to later childhood as follows:

In a newborn baby and young infant, the crown chakra looks like a wide funnel, while the root chakra looks like a narrow funnel. The energy moves through the crown chakra as it connects to the root chakra, allowing the infant to “ground” into the physical world. The infant’s other chakras are small and shallow. Because the infant has not yet had any experiences in this lifetime.

As the infant fixes his attention on an object in the physical world, his aura tenses and brightens. As his attention fades, his aura fades too but retains some of the experience in the form of color. Every new experience adds a little more color to the aura and enhances the infant’s individuality. The aura continues to build this way throughout his life so that all his experiences can be found there.

A child’s energy field is entirely open and vulnerable to the atmosphere in which she lives. Her chakras are all open: There’s no protective film over them to screen out incoming energetic influences. She experiences—and must deal with—all the outside energy that comes into her aura. This can make her very vulnerable and impressionable. (See the figure below to compare the adult’s chakra to the child’s.)  

However, the child is still attached to her caregiver through an etheric energetic connection. When she curls up in the lap of her mother or father, she’s protecting herself from these outside influences by being in the energy field of her parent.

Beginning around age 2, she learns to relate to others and is learning a basic kind of love; as a result, the colors of red-orange and rosy pink become more visible in her aura. At this stage, she is struggling to find her own individuality yet feels very connected to all things. Personal objects become ways to define individuation. The child will send amoeba-like projections from her etheric field out to and around objects. The more important the object is, the more the energy consciousness from her field

will surround it. Important objects become part of the child’s self; if that object is grabbed forcefully from her, it tears her field, causing physical and emotional pain.

There often is a struggle to control personal objects that help define who the child is and around which she has placed her own energy consciousness. Her challenge is to recognize and maintain her self-individuation while still feeling a connection to others.

At around the age of 7, the child begins weaving a lot of gold energy into his space, which becomes freer, larger, less connected to the mother or father, and more open to visitors. Having a greater sense of self, the child now begins to see his similarities to others and can allow others more self-expression. A visitor is allowed to create all manner of energy forms within the child’s private spaces.

The child then moves into a stage where he enjoys being in groups, in part because his chakras now have a protective screen that filters out many of the energetic influences from the field around him. The child feels safer because in his auric bodies, he really is.

This is a beautiful explanation and understanding on how our Chakras develop through our journey in life.

Chakras can be explained and their connection to our emotions and feelings through color, yoga, and mantras. Explaining that the Chakra meaning “wheel” in Sanskrit is a flow of energy through the body. That the spine is a long tail with these wheels and each wheel has a superpower that is activated with a special mantra. Additionally, each wheel has a special color representing the colors of the rainbow and each color is connected to different feelings.

The mantras and yoga poses a great way to introduce the chakras. There are many yoga poses that can be used for each individual Chakra and tied to corresponding mantras. Here are a few examples:

ROOT CHAKRA – ‘I Am Secure” and the Tree Pose
SACRAL CHAKRA – “I Enjoy My Life” and the Warrior 2 Pose
SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA – “I Am Confident” and the Half Moon Pose
HEART CHAKRA – “I Am Kind” and Childs Pose
THROAT CHAKRA – “I Am Creative” and Bridge Pose
THIRD EYE CHAKRA – “I Am Open Minded” and Legs Up Wall Pose
CROWN CHAKRA – “I Am Peaceful” and Resting Pose (Savasana “Corpse” Pose)

They can also be introduced to the feelings connected to each chakra through colors and where each Chakra is located on their bodies.  The following are two charts to introduce these at a basic level and understanding:

I hope you have enjoyed all the information I have shared with you and that both you and your family enjoy and benefit from it together.

Please feel free to share any comments. I would greatly appreciate them and would love to hear from you on our blog.  Any more personal questions are always welcome though my email, Facebook at yogafortheself and through Instagram @yogafortheself

Namaste & Shanti





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Thank you Beatriz! It’s so important the connect at an early age. I truly hope my article answers any question parents may be wondering about :)


I really love this article, you give us a deeply information with simple and beautiful words. Thanks


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