WHO ARE YOU? A Message to all women.

WHO ARE YOU? A Message to all women.

Who are you?
I am a girl with a mind,
a woman with confidence
and a lady with class.
If this doesn’t resonate with you,
what is happening?
What are the messages you are telling to yourself.
It is okay if at times you struggle with who you are.
It is fine if the circumstance have taken you to create a new you.
Maybe you are a mother and father for your children,
maybe you have to become the driver,
the cook,
the cleaning lady,
the teacher,
the nurse,
the giver and the receiver of so many things at the same time.
Because this is who we are.
We multitask,
we are warriors,
we are unstoppable.
Again I ask “Who are you?
The words that you say to yourself are very important.
You can be your own friend or your worst enemy.
Let me say this out loud to you:
You are funny, kind, unique, smart.
You are worthy of love and affection.
You are never too much and you are always enough.
You are precious,
you are a diamond,
a pearl,
the most stunning of all God’s creation.
You are worth more than you can ever imagine.
Worth more than the numbers on the scale,
or the hair product you use
or the shoes you wear.
No matter how many girls wish they were like you
or how many guys wish they had you,
the price tag of your clothes
or the percentage on the top of your math test
or even the number of followers you have on social media,
nothing of these will define you.
Your worth surpasses all earthly things,
because in the eyes of the almighty God
you are loved,
you are a diamond,
regardless of what you think you are.
whether you are miss popular or you feel lonely,
whether you love yourself or you can’t stand to look in the mirror,
whether you feel like a winner or the world’s biggest failure,
the reality is that you are powerful,
you are strong,
and you are capable.
Remember how many woman have changed the world.
Saint Mary, Mother Teresa, Rosa Parks, Maya Angelou,
Joan of Arc, Indira Gandhi and many more.
These women changed the world forever,
and your job is to find that woman inside of you that can make a difference.
In each one of you there is a woman with the same power,
the same strength
and the same world changing capability,
and you need to set that woman free.
This is who you are! 
And any voices, any mind that try to tell you anything different,
they are from the enemy and they are not true,
so the next time you hear anything against you,
this is what you will say:
naaa ah! not me!,
I am a daughter of the living God!
very cherished,
very loved,
and adored
and above all things,
by the creator of all things by the Glory of him,
who is the creator of the Universe!.
You are awesome!
And please don’t you forget it!
Ysabel Narro-Llanes
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